Geeks of Telecom

9 Ways Fiber Internet is Helping Businesses Grow

As bigger companies strive to become fully automated, a delay in manual tasks can leave your business years behind everyone else. It’s never safe to go through “technical difficulties” while your competitors are only one mistake away from stealing your customers.

Advanced connectivity is estimated to bring up the global GDP to over 2 trillion Dollars by 2030. Keep reading to understand how Fiber Internet, the most advanced internet connection yet, is helping businesses grow and compete on a serious level.

Improved Cloud Access

With the recent growth in digital transformation, more and more companies are switching to cloud-based technologies. Everything from file sharing, marketing tools, project collaborations, and even entire ERP Systems are being shifted to the cloud.

With faster connectivity of Fiber, businesses can now leverage the true power of cloud technologies. Using visual-heavy cloud tools, uploading files, updating customers, collaborating with suppliers, and everything else becomes quicker.

The result is a more enabling overall infrastructure that fosters undisruptive growth in every department.

Faster Project Management

With everything becoming cloud-based, most project management tools have also shifted to cloud technologies. However, even local project management tools require stronger connectivity.

The time spent waiting for a data-heavy feature to load or for your video conference to finally reconnect can compound into weeks’ worth of productivity loss. Better Fiber connectivity allows businesses to assign tasks, gain updates, iterate activities, and approve decisions more quickly.


There is no doubt that internet connectivity needs grow with a business. Because wireless internet is based on sharing, more connected employees can result in less bandwidth for everyone.

Fiber Internet works differently and doesn’t cause lag even when you upscale and onboard more employees to your team. Businesses are also able to save money as they scale since they no longer need to upgrade their internet plan with each set of employees added.

Flexible Upscaling

When a business is at its earliest stage of growth, its internal needs and activities are rarely consistent. A new project from a client can put forth a need for a larger team. Similarly, a new opportunity may require the skillsets and talents that your current employees lack.

Such uncertainties require a flexible hiring plan where you can upscale and downscale without increasing your annual overhead costs. Small and growing businesses are quickly switching to fiber internet as it allows companies to utilize remote workers.

The stronger connectivity allows each department and team to remain connected and updated with their remote working peers.

Faster Communication

As businesses grow, the strain on internal communications also grows. The top-to-bottom communication chain becomes longer, and so does the onboarding of every department, team, and manager to a new goal.

One of the main reasons companies stops showing the same speed of growth after the first 3 years is often the delay in communication. Fiber internet is making the flow of information faster than ever before. With the ability to accommodate thousands of devices at once, it is making real-time communication and collaboration incredibly easy.

Data Backup

More business means more policies, customer information, supplier contracts, and marketing data to take care of. Backing up every piece of data every day has become a business necessity that cannot be delayed.

Moreover, most growing businesses have a small budget which cannot accommodate higher costs that come with more data backup. Spending more time on the supervision of data being uploaded can create a serious dent in productivity.

Fiber Internet delivers at least 20 times faster speed than most cable and DSL internet Connections. It can upload a 1 GB File in only 40 seconds, compared to the 7-minutes period for the same task on the fastest cable connection.

For this reason, both small and larger businesses are able to upload each data set as soon as they arise, resulting in improved disaster management.

Zero Downtime

Cable Internet can be highly frustrating when it comes to delivering a reliable internet connection throughout the year. Bad weather, routine maintenance, and sudden damage to the internet link can disrupt the entire workflow of a business.

A missed meeting with an important client, a delay in order shipments and a lack of updates from suppliers are just some of the issues that take place. Growing businesses are happy to pay the higher upfront cost for Fiber Internet as it is resistant to severe weather disruptions or any wire corrosion.

Smarter Business Analytics

With the increasing dynamism and competition, agile decision-making, deep market research, and effective negotiations have become survival tactics. When your procurement manager can only connect with 10 potential suppliers a day and getting a decision approved takes weeks, business growth is bound to suffer.

Fiber internet does not have a throttling feature, meaning it does not restrict your bandwidth when it detects high usage. This is helping businesses leverage the true power of Business Analytics. By allowing more market reports, supplier contracts, and project outcomes to be shared throughout the organization, Fiber internet is helping businesses get more done each day.

Brand Image

Both B2C and B2B companies face a huge responsibility to create a reliable and professional brand image. Every time a business fails to meet a deadline, update a customer, or respond to a new query on time, its brand image suffers.

While Fiber internet greatly helps businesses in terms of internal efficiencies, its stronger connectivity is also helping businesses create a positive brand image. Smoother calls, a faster resolution to customer problems, a quicker supply chain, and everything else can add up to a customer experience that differentiates you from the competitors.


A delay of a few minutes when opening a page, downloading an important file, and uploading marketing content does not seem like a big deal. However, when multiplied by the number of employees facing the delay daily, the total productivity loss becomes shocking. While the upfront costs of hooking up a Fiber Connection may be higher, its myriad of benefits can offset the costs in just a few months. Moreover, your employees facing less frustration every day can earn you the rare employee loyalty in today’s times.